Insect Types that May Affect Tree Species ın the Botanical Gardens ın Future Years
Yaşar AKSU tarafından
27 Nisan 2018 Cuma
Insect Types that May Affect Tree Species ın
the Botanical Gardens ın Future Years
department directorate-Artvin
Although Dendroctonus micans, Ips
typographus, Ips sexdentatus, Pityokteines curvidens and Cryphalus
piceathat making significantly damages, disrupting
the ecological balance and causing economic losses in Picea, Abies and Pinus forestes located around of the Botanical
Garden of Batum City in Republic of Georgia in the past yearsbecome the border of ecological balance
today, these insects may affect the health of species of coniferous tree in
Botanical Garden all the time in the future. D. micans has damaged in Picea
forestes of Georgia for many years and ıt has endangered the future of the
presence of Picea. Against to this
bark insect, Rhizophagus grandis has
been produced in laboratory conditions and it has been placed in the field that
insect damaged. Dispet ofreprovision of
distrupted ecological balance as a result of this biological struggle, the
trees that weakened by D. micans has
become an ideal environment where Ips
specieses can easily proliferate.Ips typographus which both continuing
the development in fields that D. micans
has damaged and being the most dangerous bark insect of world continues to
damage Picea forests as of today.
Biotechnical struggle works are being continued against to this insect.
Biotechnical struggle has been made against to Ips typographus in Artvin Picea
forestes since 1997. Biological struggle has been made since 2006. Ips typographus caused the death of one
million m3 Picea trees in
between 2001-2004. D. micans caused
the death of 350,000 m3Picea
forestes in Artvin in between 1972-1997. Against to D. micans in
laboratoryconditions,3.650.175 R.grandis were produced in between 1985-2012. These produced
insects were used in biological struggle. Thus ecological balance was provided.
In struggle with Ips typographus,
136.422 pheromone traps were hanged in fields that being intensive insect harm
in between 1998-2012. 386.343.053 Ips
typographus were catched and were destroyed. 46.421 Thanasimus formicarius were produced in laboratory contitions in
between 2006-2012 andbiological
struggle has been continued. Ecological balance has been provided in the vast
majority of our fields against to Ips
typographus. Ips typographus caused
the death of more than 750,000 m3 Picea trees in Hatila Valley National Park Area. 34430 Rhizophagus depressus were produced with
biotechnical struggle in laboratory conditions in between 2007-2012 and thus
biological struggle has been made. Against to P. curvidens ve C.
Picea that continuing the existence in the Batumi Abies forestes and which is below the level of harm for now,
precautions should be taken in advance. Against to the bark insectes that
continuing the existence in the Batumi Abies, Pinus, Picea forestes and which
is above the level of harm, pheromone traps should be hanged to control every
year. Furthermore, density determination needs to be done. Biotechnical and
biological struggles need to be done against to species that above the level of
harm. The bark insectes make more harm in the protected areas and national
parks. The protection precautions should be maximized for the species can
continue their existence in the Botanical Garden in long years. This is very
important for the future of Botanical Garden.
63- Kaya, N,Ö.; Özkaya,S,M.; Aksu,Y.; “The Role
of Botanical Gardens in Conservation of Plant Diversity” Proceedings of the
Anniversary International Scientific Practical Conference to 100 year
Anniversary of Batumi Botanical Garden, 8-10 May, 2013 Batumi, Georgia , Cilt 2,
Sayfa 168