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Yaşar AKSU tarafından yazıldı
11 Aralık 2018 Salı


Aşkın GÖKTÜRK1             Berna ÇELİK GÖKTÜRK2                      Yaşar AKSU2

1Artvin Coruh University Faculty of Forestry, Department of Forestry Engineering, Artvin.

2Artvin Forest Regional Directorate, Forest Protection substation Directorate, Artvin



Colutea armena is a species of shrub that naturally spreads in the Artvin region and is the host of many butterfly and insect species. Although it have spread in groups in only a few different places before the completion of the dams built on the Coruh River, today its heavily expands among the roads and the south slopes around the dam in clusters and individually. The increase in spread of C. armena might be cause the habitats of seed pests to expand. In this study, it is aimed to determine the species that prefer C. armena as a host. Between 1-7 May 2018, seed capsules that are found to be harmful have been collected from areas, which have been spread naturally. The collected capsules were opened in the laboratory environment and the harmful larvae and pupas were removed. Their diagnoses were carried out under the microscope.

As a result of the study it has been determined that, the larva feed on C. armena seeds is larva of Iolana iolas (Anatolian Giant Blue). Other species found in seed capsules were ant species associated with mutual interest on I. iolas larvae, larvae of parasites and species that parasitizes these parasitoids. These species are Camponotus ionius (Emeray, 1920), Lasius emarginatus (Olivier, 1792), Anisobas cephalotes (Kriechbaumer, 1882), Eurytoma spp., Cotesia spp., Bruchophagus robiniae (Zerova, 1970), Bruchophagus spp and Baryscapus endemus (Walker, 1839). Baryscapus endemus is a hyperparasitoid that parasitoids of Bruchophagus robiniae, Bruchophagus spp, Cotesia spp, Eurytoma spp. Although Iolana iolas is pest of C. armena seeds, it is an endangered species of butterflies in the UICN's red list.  Considering the excess amount of seed production of C. armena, the damage situation of I. iolas can be considered as insignificant. It would be beneficial to increase the spreading area of the C. armena plant, for the protection of I. iolas because of the excess of parasites.

Key words: Colutea armena, host plant, seed pest, Iolana iolas

Yayın yeri: Gokturk, A., Celik Gokturk, B., Aksu, Y., 2018. Artvin Yöresi Colutea armena (Patlangaç) Türünün Tohum Zararlıları, Uluslararası Artvin Sempozyumu, 18-20 Ekim 2018, Artvin.


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