A Damaging Insect without Border along the
Borderland, “Ips typographus”
AKSU 2Archil
1Artvin Çoruh University and Artvin Regional
Directorate of Forest, Turkey
2Gürcistan Cumhuriyeti Vasil
Gulisashvili Forest Institute - Tiflis/ Gürcistan
Various needs of ever-increasing population in the 21st century we live
in are mainly satisified by natural resources. Forests have an increasing
importance in respect to being one of these resources as they help to provide a
livable environment for all the livings in the World; thus, they have to be
protected in order to keep their sustainability. Biological factors, most importantly
insects, are the leading treat in damaging forest resources. Such treat has caused thousands of trees to die in oriental
spruce (Picea orientalis) forests
in Artvin-Turkey and Batumi- Georgia, Turkey and Georgia, as they have being
attacked by bark beetles fort he last decade. Population of Ips
typographus L. (eight stitched bark
beetles), one of the most observed insect species in this forests, has grown so
much fort he last few years that it has started to reach an epidemic status.
Directorates of Artvin and Georgia
Forest District have been using biological fight against the damage of this insect by placing pheromone traps
in border forests in 2005-2006. Using this method has not been a total success
and requires a continual of such expensive efforts. Success rate fort he fight
againts this insect may be increased by integrating the method of using
pheromone traps with other methods including biological fight known as one of the
most important methods in such efforts.
Yayın yeri: Göktürk,T.; Burjanadze,M.; Aksu,Y.; Supatashvili,A.; (Turkey and Georgia), A
Damaging Insect without Border along the Türkey-Georgia Borderland, “Ips
typographus” Shota Rustaveli State University Press, Batumi, International
Conference Batumi-Spring, May 2010 Sayfa,34