Research On Use of
Artıfıcıal Bırd Nests In Protectıon And Propagatıon
of Insect Feedıng Bırds
Used For Forest Pest Management
A.Köksal COŞKUNX Yaşar
xArtvin Regional Directorate of Forest- 08000 Artvin
Role of insect feeding birds in maintaining natural balance by feeding on
over-grown damaging insect populations cannot be disputed. They are
instrumental in biological management of pest populations and keep their size
under control. Insect feeding birds are a part of food chain and
their protection and propagation is essential in maintaining natural
balance. Sixteen different types of artificial bird nests were placed
within stands heavily damaged by insects. Placement techniques of
the nests and preference of nest types were investigated.
most commonly observed bird species in the nests were Phoenicurus
phoenicurus (L.), Parus major (L.), Parus ater (L.), Parus caerelus persicus, Passer domesticus (L.), Sitta krueperi(Pelzen) and Certhia brachydactyla (Brehm.). While
there is not any significant differences among the nest types for preference, a
relationship was observed between bird size and the diameter of the nests’
entrance hole. In order to
increase population sizes of insect feeding birds 1000 artificial bird nests
are placed forests every year by Artvin Forest Directorate.
Key words: Insect feding birds,
biological management, ecosystem.
Yayın yeri: Coşkun,A,K,; Aksu,Y.; and Özkaya,S,M.; Research on Use of
Artificial Bird Nests in Protection and Propagation of Insect feeding Birds
Used for Forest Pest Management, Shota Rustaveli State University Press,
Batumi, International Conference Batumi-Spring, May 2010 Sayfa,46