Nature Enemıes-Predators, Pathogens And parasıtıc Nematodes
Of Bark Beetles In Hatıla valley Natıonal Park Of Turkey
1Artvin Coruh University Foresty faculty Artvin,
2Vasil Gulisashvili Forest Institute, 9, Mindeli.
0186 Tbilisi, Georgia
3Artvin Forest Department, Lab. Of Forest Protection, Artvin Turkey
E- mail:
The study of natural
enemies of bark beetles Ips typographus, Ips
sexdentatus, Dendroctonus
micans from Hatila Valley National Park
in Artvin, Turkey (1750-2200 m a.s.I) was carried out in different seasons
(Summer and Autumn), 2008. I.typographus population in spruce forest of Hatila VNP is monitored
and controlled by 3-4 pheromone traps (Ipstyp) per 1 ha. 4.000 trap pieces were hung and a number
of captured beetles was more than 3 334 860.
I.typographus, I.sexdentatus and D.micans are settled under bark in one biotope. Three species
of predators Thanasimus formicarius, Rhizophagus grandis and Rhizophagus depressus were found in population of bark beetles. Approximately in 26% of I.typographus, 13% of I.sexdentatus and
8% D.micans maternal
galleries larvae and adult of T.formicarius were detected. 21% and 39% of R.depressus were found in the observed gallery of I.typographus and I.sexdentatusat the same regions of investigation. Ahigh density
(66%) of Rhizophagus grandis,
predator of D.micans was
observed. Various pathogen species and nematodes are observed in the population
of bark beetles. Protozoa, Gregarina typographi, was revealed in I.typographus (41.1-49.5%) and I.sexdentatus (17.3%). Chytridiopsis typographi was found in I.typographus (9.1-15%) and I.sexdentatus, (4.1%). The first data on distribution and
occurrence of Ch. Typographi in Turkey was obtained. Fungal infection Beauveria
bassiana (1.5%) and Penicillium
sp. (7.6%) were found in adult I.typographus. Virus, like entomopox virus – EPV (1.5%) and
nematodes (40.7-71.4%) Contortylenchus diplogaster and Bursaphelenchus sp. were observed in I.typographus. Contortylenchus sp. was found in I.sexdentatus, 26.1% of nematodes were associated with D.micans.
Key words: Ips typographus, Ips
sexdentatus, Dendroctonus micans,
Thanasimus formicarius, Rhizophagus grandis, Rhizophagus depressus, Gregarina
typographi, Chytridiopsis typographi, Beauveria bassiana, Contortylenchus
diplogaster, Contortylenchus sp.
Yayın yeri: 37-
Göktürk,T.; Burjanadze,M.; Aksu,Y.;
Supatashvili,A.; Nature Enemıes-Predators, Pathogens and Parasıtıc
Nematodes of Bark Beetles ın Hatıla Valley Natıonal Park of Turkey, Proceedıngs
of the Georgian Academy of Sciences Biological series B ISSN 1412-2123, No.1-2
Vol.8 Tbilisi. Georgia 2010, Sayfa, 59-70