Producing of Predatory İnsect Calosoma sycophanta (L.)
Yaşar AKSU tarafından
22 Nisan 2018 Pazar
Producing of Predatory İnsect Calosoma sycophanta (L.) by
Using Different Food Sources in Laboratory Conditions to Use in Biological
Control of Lymantria dispar (L. 1758)
Directorate of Forestry-Artvin/TURKEY *
Calosomasycophanta that fed with
larvaes of L. dispar in area has
harmonized biology of L. dispar in
nature so Lymantria dispar (L.)
(Sponge weaver) that damaged in forests of Quercus
petraea can reduced to the natural balance limit. Morever, it feeds with
caterpillars like Euproctis
chrysorrhoea, Tortrix viridana that situated in area even if L.dispar occurs
lately. Adults of Calosoma sycophanta are 30-40 mm length and live 3-4
years. When they feed very good, they spawn average 80 eggs in year. The eggs
of them are 4-6 mm length, almost 1.5-2 mm width, elipsoidal shape and pale
yellow. The eggs open in 4 days. Spawning period of a female can continue until
15 days according to the ambient conditions. The length of larvaes can extend
until 4-4.5 mm. Adults of Calosoma sycophanta were brought to laboratory
by collecting from area where Lymantria
intensely. They placed in laboratory that had 20x20x40cm plastic pots mixing
with %80 topsoil and %20 river sand, 22-230C, %60-65 moisture
and 8:16 (day and night). The two each larvaes of Dendroctonus micans and the two each caterpillars of Lymantria dispar, Hyphantria
cunea, Aglais urticaewere given to adults
every day. One female and two male were placed in producing pots with account
from adults mating in the pots. The larvaes that hatching were fed with average
3.8 larvaes of D.micans and two each
caterpillars. The larvaes of C. sycophanta that received trial ate average 49.4 larvaes of D.micans in the last three periods and
average 8.4 caterpillars until mature larva stage. The larvaes of D.micans reduced maturation time of the larvaes of C. sycophanta, because theyare rich with regard to protoin
according to other foods. It was determined that adult of one C. sycophanta spawned average 49.7 eggs in laboratory.
Yayın yeri: Aksu, Y.; Dedeağaoğlu. ,; Göktürk,Ç,B,; Producing of Predatory Insect Calosoma
sycophanta (L.) by Using Different Food Sources in Laboratory Conditions to
Use in Biological Control of Lymantria dispar (L. 1758)
(Lepidoptera:Lymantriidae). International Forestry Symposium (IFS 2016)
Abstracts 07-10 December 2016, Page: 196 Kastamonu/TURKEY