Kestane gal arısı Dryocosmus kuriphilus
Yaşar AKSU tarafından
22 Nisan 2018 Pazar
Kestane gal arısı Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera:Cynipidae) ile biyolojik
ve tespit
edilen doğal düşmanları
Yaşar Aksu1
1Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü- Artvin
Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae ) (Chestnut
Gal Bee) is accepted one of the most important harmfulls of Chestnutforests in the world. It prevents the
development of bud on chestnut trees and hence the yield of fruit is limited
50-70% percent. To make biological struggle with Chestnut Gal Bee, one
laboratory was established within Yalova Management Directorate. Bootanomyia almusiensis (Torymidae), Eupelmus urozonus (Eupelmidae), Mesopolobus tibialis (Pteromalidae), Mesopolobus dubius (Pteromalidae),
Torymus flavipes (Torymidae), Torymus
sinensis(Torymidae),Torymus sp (Torymidae), Mesopolobus spp (Pteromalidae), Pediobiussp (Eulophidae), Megastigmus spp(Torymidae) were determined within gals that were brought from Gacik
Village to Artvin in 2014. The adults of 2.600 Torymus sinensis and 7.000 Chestnut Gals were brought from Italy in 2015 and they were
released to nature in Gacik Village. On 04.09.2015, The larvaes of T.sinensis were found in 6 (% 3,8) numbers of 157
gals taken in the area that the species of T.sinensis
were released, moreover the larvaes of T.sinensis were found in 2 (% 1,5) numbers of 132
gals taken in the area that the species of T.sinensis
weren’t released. It was determined that the adults of T.
sinensis were successfully located in the area.
Keywords: Dryocosmus
kuriphilus,Torymus sinensis,Bootanomyia almusiensis, Chestnut gal Bee
Aksu,Y.; Kestane Gal Arısı Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu
(Hymenoptera:Cynipidae) ile Biyolojik Mücadele ve Tespit Edilen Doğal
Düşmanları. Orman ve Av Dergisi Mayıs-Haziran 2016 Sayı: 3, Sayfa 34-43.