Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü. y_aksu3@hotmail.com
The effect
rate of Bacillus thuringiensis and Neemazal were studied determination
in trial studies making for biological control of Lymantria
(L.) damaging in Quercus (Quercus
petraea) forests. Caterpillars in the secand-third tunicawere put 75 numbers as 15 numbers in every trial pot.
Drug prepared by adding 1 cc to 1 liter water from Bacillus thuringiensis
var. kurstaki being 16.000 bacterial in mg was sprayed to fresh Quercus
leaves. Leaves which were wetted with drug were put in trial pots by drying on
27.05.2012. Death of58 caterpillars and
death of 6 pupaes were determined in controls made on 03-10-25.06.2012.
Moreover, 11 grown pupaes was determined. B. Thuringiensis was observed
to be effective in rate of %85,3 on larvaes. With drug prepared by adding 1 cc
Neemazal to 1 liter water, it was determined that 59 caterpillars were died, 16
pupaes were remained in pupae stage, 2 pupaes were died, 14 pupaes were adult.
Furthermore, Neemazal was observed to be effective in rate of %81,3.
Yayın yeri: Aksu, Y.; Dedeağaoğlu, C.; Göktürk, Ç, B.; The effect rates
of Bacillus thuringiensis andNeemazal using in Biological control of Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera:Lymantriidae). 4th
International Participated Entomopathogens and Microbial Control Symposium,
2013 Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı sayfa 49. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Artvin