Artvin, the doing research to promote
the production of naturally grown Pleurotus ostreatus, increase the income
level of villagers, the reduce its dependence on forests and the pressure on
forests, how the growing of Pleurotus ostreatus is given training on. They were
placed inside the black bags afterthe
found Pleurotus ostreatus micelleson
the trunks of Populus and Fagus were moisturized at laboratory and greenhouse
environment .They placed on into the black bags were moisturized oncethe three day within 20-22 days and they were
kept 20-23 degree temperatures. They removed out of the bags after the fungus
micelles were occupied each side of the trunks.(+5)-(+16) degrees in
temperature laboratory and greenhouse conditions, they were buried 10 cm into
the found stream sediment inside the washtub and were moisturized with the pump
everi days.The development of the fungus micelles were examined within 15-20
Research on the growing of Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.ex Fr.) laboratory and
greenhouse conditions. 2. Uluslar arası Odun Dışı Orman Ürünleri Sempozyumu
8-10 Eylül 2011 Süleyman Demirel Unıversıty Faculty Of Forestry Bildiriler
kitabi sayfa 98 İsparta