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Beauveria bassiana

Yaşar AKSU tarafından yazıldı
24 Nisan 2018 Salı

Assessment of Beauveria bassiana Strains Isolated From Various

Insects to Control  Dendroctonus micans (Kugel.) Larvae

Nurcan ALBAYRAK İSKENDERa              Serkan ÖRTÜCÜ b

        Engin KILIÇc                               Yaşar AKSUd 

aArtvin Çoruh Üniversitesi, Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Biyoloji Bölümü, Artvin


bErzurum Teknik Üniversitesi Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Bölümü,  Erzurum

cErzincan University, Üzümlü Vocational School, Erzincan, Turkey

dOrman Bölge Müdürlüğü, Artvin


The objective of this study was to determine the pathogenicity of Beauveria bassiana against Dendroctonus micans (Kugel.) larvae under the laboratory conditions. The entomopathogenic fungi PaF04, PaF09 and PaF76 were isolated from little spruce sawfly larvae in the previous study; YB1 was isolated from aphids and ATA076 was isolated from two spotted spider mite. Applications were performed by immersing the larvae in the conidial suspension (109 conidia/ml) for 30 s. Controls consisted of larvae immersed in distilled water plus Tween 80. D.micans larvae were transferred to plastic containers and were incubated at 65+5% relative humidity (RH) with a 12:12 h photoperiod at 26+20C. Mortality was recorded daily for a period of 5 days. Dead larvae were transferred to Petri dishes lined with moist fitler paper for 10 days to observe mycosis. Mortality caused by fungi was confirmed by microscopic examination of spores on the surface of the larvae. As a result, all fungal isolates tested were highly pathogenic to the D.micans larvae. Mortality caused by B.bassiana was not significantly (p<0.05) different between the isolates on the fifth day after application. But, PaF09 and YB 1 isolates were came to the fore to having the high mortality rate and shortest LT50 values. Therefore, these two strains selected by have wide host rate and shortest LT50 values. These results show that PaF09 and YB 1 isolates could be an effective tool in the biological control of D.micans larvae.

Key words: Dendroctonus micans, Beauveria bassiana, Biological control.

Yayın yeri: Albayrak, İskender, N.; Örtücü ,S.; Kılıç,E.; Aksu, Y.; Assessment of Beauveria bassiana Strains Isolated From Various Insects to Control  Dendroctonus micans (Kugel.) Larvae. 4th International Participated Entomopathogens and Microbial Control Symposium, 2013 Bildiri Özetleri Kitabı sayfa 97. Artvin Çoruh Üniversitesi Artvin Türkey.


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